Use this page to view archived advisories. The table below shows the overall danger rating and the bottom line for the 20 most recent advisories. Click on the time and date link above each danger rating icon to view the full advisory for that day. Use the date chooser or the pager at the bottom to scroll through the older advisories.

E.g., 07/27/2024
E.g., 07/27/2024
E.g., 07/27/2024
Date the forecast was published:sort descending Bottom Line
Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-03
December 3, 2020 at 6:48

Variable snow surfaces and shallow early season conditions with lots of exposed and barely covered obstacles exist in the backcountry. Travel using normal caution. The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-04
December 4, 2020 at 6:48

Exposed and barely covered obstacles abound in the backcountry due to the shallow early season snow conditions. These obstacles combined with the variable snow surfaces can lead to "interesting" (an optimistic word for challenging) backcountry travel conditions. Travel using normal caution. The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-05
December 5, 2020 at 6:49

Backcountry travel in the shallow early season snowpack means dealing with highly variable snow surface conditions and numerous exposed and barely covered obstacles. Travel using normal caution. The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-06
December 6, 2020 at 6:56

Some minor amounts of drifting snow may occur but avalanches remain unlikely. Normal caution is advised. LOW avalanche danger continues for all elevations.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-07
December 7, 2020 at 6:55

Some minor amounts of drifting snow may occur today.  Small avalanches remain unlikely but are not impossible in isolated areas where drifting snow deposits. Regional scale LOW avalanche danger exists for all elevations.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-08
December 8, 2020 at 6:50

LOW avalanche danger continues throughout the forecast region.  Caution is advised when traveling in the backcountry due to the early season conditions and thin snowpack.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-09
December 9, 2020 at 6:48

Early season conditions with a thin snowpack and numerous obstacles to potentially hit will remain the greatest hazard today.  LOW avalanche danger continues with normal caution advised if traveling in the backcountry.  

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-10
December 10, 2020 at 6:59

For now, collisions with exposed and barely covered obstacles and challenging travel conditions resulting from variable snow surfaces still represent the main concern in the backcountry. Travel using normal caution. The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-11
December 11, 2020 at 6:51

Today, avoiding obstacles and dealing with variable snow surfaces still remains the primary concern for backcountry travelers. Things will change during the night as new snow and wind will create avalanche problems on top of the shallow snowpack. The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations today, but it will INCREASE tonight and tomorrow. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-12
December 12, 2020 at 7:00

The new snow has made the rocks and other obstacles harder to see and easier to hit. This storm's new snow and wind have also added potential avalanche concerns. Unstable slabs of wind drifted snow (wind slabs) may exist on open slopes near ridgelines on almost any aspect today. Human triggered avalanches will be possible. MODERATE avalanche danger exists in near and above treeline terrain. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-13
December 13, 2020 at 7:00

Avalanche danger will rapidly increase from midday onwards. Isolated and still unstable slabs of wind drifted snow from yesterday (wind slabs) will be a problem this morning and added to this afternoon with increasing size and distribution. A persistent slab avalanche problem is expected to develop during today's storm. Avalanche danger will increase from MODERATE danger this morning to CONSIDERABLE this afternoon. HIGH avalanche danger is possible tonight if the upper end of the forecast snowfall amount is reached.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-14
December 14, 2020 at 6:50

The current avalanche situation is both dangerous and complex. Slabs of wind drifted snow and a significant new snow load overlying old weak snow means the possibility of encountering an avalanche in lots of different areas today both above and below treeline. Today is not a day to go big. Scale back terrain choices and slope angles. CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists at all elevations.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-15
December 15, 2020 at 6:54

Dangerous avalanche conditions continue with persistent slab and wind slab avalanche problems.  An unstable weak layer is buried in a large part of the usable terrain in our area.  CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists at all elevations.  Advanced route finding and decision making skills are required to avoid todays avalanche problems.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-16
December 16, 2020 at 6:54

A weak snowpack structure exists throughout most of the forecast region with a buried persistent weak layer below the recent storm snow.  CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger continues due to this persistent slab avalanche problem and the possibility of human triggered avalanches.  Advanced route finding and backcountry decision making skills are required to avoid this avalanche problem.  Avalanche danger is expected to further rise into tomorrow as a winter storm impacts our area. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-17
December 17, 2020 at 6:59

New wind and snow will add weight to an already unstable snowpack. Expect fragile slabs of wind drifted snow on wind-loaded slopes and unstable slabs of recent snow on old weak snow in more sheltered areas. This complicated mix of avalanche problems will result in dangerous conditions in the backcountry today. Large human triggered avalanches are likely. CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists at all elevations. Advanced route finding and decision making skills are required to avoid today's avalanche problems.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-18
December 18, 2020 at 7:00

Today's biggest concerns exist on steep slopes where old weak sugary snow barely supports the soft slabs of recent snow above it. People could tip the balance and break this layer possibly triggering avalanches. This problem is widespread near and below treeline and isolated above treeline. Shifting winds have also moved slabs of drifted snow into new places at upper elevations. MODERATE avalanche danger exists at all elevations. More accidents happen at MODERATE and CONSIDERABLE than any other danger ratings.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-19
December 19, 2020 at 6:59

Within the snowpack, lurks old weak sugary snow that can barely support the soft slabs of recent snow. People recreating on steep slopes where this weak snow exists could break this layer possibly triggering large avalanches. This problem is widespread near and below treeline and isolated above treeline. MODERATE avalanche danger exists at all elevations. Traveling on slopes less steep than 30 degrees that are not connected to steeper slopes can provide fun snow and better safety margins.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-20
December 20, 2020 at 6:55

Unstable conditions are persisting, longer than what often occurs in this region. Trigging a large avalanche remains possible, especially near treeline and below treeline. Additionally, small unstable slabs of wind drifted snow may exist above treeline and near treeline. MODERATE avalanche danger exists at all elevations. This is not the time to try and outsmart the snowpack. Stick with mellow terrain for now, waiting patiently for the right set of conditions to move into bigger, steeper terrain at another time.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-21
December 21, 2020 at 6:55

Spatial variability for the persistent slab avalanche problem is increasing. This makes it more difficult to observe evidence of instability prior to triggering a persistent slab avalanche. Triggering a large avalanche remains possible, especially near treeline and below treeline. Additionally, small unstable slabs of wind drifted snow (wind slabs) exist above treeline and near treeline. MODERATE avalanche danger continues at all elevations.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-22
December 22, 2020 at 6:53

MODERATE avalanche danger continues for our area.  A persistent slab avalanche problem remains a concern in below and near treeline areas.  Increased winds overnight will make unstable wind slabs in near and above treeline terrain.  Human triggered avalanches remain possible today.  

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-23
December 23, 2020 at 6:58

A shallow and generally weak snowpack structure continues across the forecast region.  The persistent slab and wind slab avalanche problems have become unlikely on a regional scale.  LOW avalanche danger exists at all elevations.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-24
December 24, 2020 at 7:00

While a small slab of wind drifted snow or a soft slab above old weak snow may still lurk on an isolated piece of terrain, avalanches are unlikely overall. Icy scoured surfaces and variable uneven snow could make travel challenging. The avalanche danger will remain LOW for today and tomorrow. Expect an increase in avalanche danger Friday night and Saturday as new snow and wind impact the forecast area. This forecast will be updated at 7am on Saturday.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-26
December 26, 2020 at 7:00

Strong winds and heavy snow will bring back dangerous avalanche conditions. The slabs of new snow will likely overload the old weak layers in sheltered areas. In wind-loaded areas, fragile slabs of wind drifted snow will exist. The complicated avalanche conditions mean that advanced route finding and decision making skills are required for backcountry travel. Traveling on slopes less steep than 30 degrees not connected to steeper slopes represents a safer choice. CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists at all elevations.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-27
December 27, 2020 at 6:59

Unstable conditions are expected to continue today with a slower than typical post-storm stabilization process. Both persistent slab and wind slab avalanches occurred yesterday and could be triggered again today. Conservative, sub 30 degree slope angle terrain choices are highly recommended for today. Today is not the day to go big. Avalanche danger remains CONSIDERABLE for all elevations.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-28
December 28, 2020 at 6:59

Dangerous avalanche conditions continue today following two consecutive days of avalanche activity. It is still not time to go big. Conservative, sub 30 degree slope angle terrain choices are highly recommended. Persistent slab and wind slab avalanches continue to occur and are stabilizing at slower than typical rates. CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger continues at all elevations.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-29
December 29, 2020 at 6:58

Dangerous avalanche conditions continue with persistent slab and wind slab avalanche problems.  Multiple human triggered avalanches have occurred since our last storm 3 days ago.  CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists at all elevations.  Advanced terrain management skills are required to avoid these avalanche problems today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-30
December 30, 2020 at 6:59

Persistent slab and wind slab avalanche problems continue for our area.  It remains possible to trigger a large avalanche in our forecast region due to our poor snowpack structure.  MODERATE avalanche danger exists at all elevations.  Conservative terrain choices are recommended when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2020-12-31
December 31, 2020 at 6:59

Triggering avalanche on steep slopes still remains possible especially in wind affected terrain where new slabs of wind drifted snow exist or in more sheltered terrain where the old snow below the surface remains weak. MODERATE avalanche danger exists at all elevations. Conservative terrain choices are recommended when traveling in the backcountry. This forecast will be updated on Jan. 2 by 7 am. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2021-01-02
January 2, 2021 at 6:58

Triggering an avalanche on steep slopes still remains possible today especially in places with a shallower snowpack and old weak snow below the surface. Some fragile slabs of wind drifted snow may also exist in wind-affected terrain. MODERATE avalanche danger exists at all elevations. Conservative terrain choices are recommended when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2021-01-03
January 3, 2021 at 6:57

The likelihood of triggering an avalanche has gradually decreased but the consequences have not. Isolated areas of unstable snow linger due to a persistent slab avalanche problem. Any isolated avalanches today are likely to be larger than expected. MODERATE avalanche danger lingers at all elevations. Increasing avalanche danger is expected tomorrow.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2021-01-04
January 4, 2021 at 6:54

Rapid new snow loading, drifting snow from gale force winds, and the stressing of older weak layers within the existing snowpack will create very dangerous avalanche conditions today. Avoid travel in, below, or adjacent to avalanche terrain. A rapid increase to HIGH avalanche danger will occur for all elevations today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2021-01-05
January 5, 2021 at 6:59

Heavy and wet new snow has loaded our weak snowpack structure.  Human triggered persistent slab and wind slab avalanches remain a concern for today.  Just because the storm has ended and it's a sunny day, doesn't mean that avalanches can't occur.  CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger will exist at all elevations.    

Click here to see the full forecast for 2021-01-06
January 6, 2021 at 6:59

Persistent slab and wind slab avalanche problems remain possible today.  MODERATE avalanche danger will exist at all elevations.  Unstable snow continues to exist in some areas of the forecast region.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2021-01-08
January 8, 2021 at 6:58

In most areas, triggering an avalanche is becoming more difficult. Some exceptions include areas with a shallow snowpack where old weak snow remains closer to the surface or places where new snow and wind may form small slabs of drifted snow today especially in the northern part of the forecast area. In these places, human-triggered avalanches may remain possible. The avalanche danger remains MODERATE at all elevations. 
