Use this page to view archived advisories. The table below shows the overall danger rating and the bottom line for the 20 most recent advisories. Click on the time and date link above each danger rating icon to view the full advisory for that day. Use the date chooser or the pager at the bottom to scroll through the older advisories.

E.g., 08/31/2024
E.g., 08/31/2024
E.g., 08/31/2024
Date the forecast was published:sort descending Bottom Line
Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-01-31
January 31, 2014 at 7:00

Pockets of CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger may still exist on slopes steeper than 30 degrees in near and below treeline terrain on NW-N-NE aspects above 9000 ft. due to recent snow slabs sitting on top of persistent weak layers. Human triggered avalanches could remain likely on these slopes today. MODERATE avalanche danger exists on similar slopes on those aspects below 9000 ft. due to buried wet persistent weak layers. MODERATE avalanche danger also exists and on the wind loaded NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects steeper than 35 degrees in near and above treeline terrain due to the presence of wind slabs.

The unusual conditions that exist in the mountains right now require extra caution and superb travel skills.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-01
February 1, 2014 at 6:57

Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger exist at all elevations on NW-N-NE aspects on slope steeper than 32 degrees that held snowcover prior to the recent snowfall. For all other areas, avalanche danger is LOW. Persistent slabs and wet slabs remain an ongoing avalanche concern.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-02
February 2, 2014 at 6:59

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Keep in mind that the definition of LOW danger states that human triggered avalanches are unlikely on a regional scale but could still occur in isolated areas or extreme terrain.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-03
February 3, 2014 at 6:36

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Keep in mind that the definition of LOW danger states that human triggered avalanches are unlikely on a regional scale but could still occur in isolated areas or extreme terrain.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-04
February 4, 2014 at 7:00

The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations and on all aspects. Even though avalanches have become unlikely on a regional scale some unstable snow could still lurk on small isolated terrain features or in extreme terrain.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-05
February 5, 2014 at 6:58

The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations and on all aspects. Even though avalanches have become unlikely on a regional scale, some unstable snow could still lurk on isolated terrain features or in extreme terrain.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-06
February 6, 2014 at 7:00

MODERATE avalanche danger exists on slopes steeper than 35 degrees at all elevations on the NW-N-NE aspects and on near and above treeline E-SE aspects. A combination of wind slabs resting on weak snow, old persistent slabs, and loose snow sluffs represent the main avalanche problems today. Human triggered avalanches could be possible today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-07
February 7, 2014 at 5:54

Areas of MODERATE avalanche danger will form today near and above treeline on the NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper as wind slabs continue to build. As higher intensity precipitation impacts the forecast area this evening through the overnight hours, avalanche danger is expected to increase to HIGH danger.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-08
February 8, 2014 at 6:18

Near treeline and above treeline, avalanche danger is HIGH on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 32 degrees and steeper. For all other areas, avalanche danger is CONSIDERABLE on slopes 32 degrees and steeper. Wind slab, storm slab, wet slab, loose wet, and deep persistent slab avalanches are all possible today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-09
February 9, 2014 at 6:19

Near treeline and above treeline, avalanche danger remains HIGH on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 32 degrees and steeper. For all other areas, avalanche danger is CONSIDERABLE on slopes 32 degrees and steeper. Wind slab, storm slab, and deep persistent slab avalanches are all possible today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-10
February 10, 2014 at 7:00

CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists on slopes 32 degrees and steeper on all aspects above 7000 ft. due to wind slabs, storm slabs, and deep persistent slabs resting on a variety of weak layers. Below 7000 ft. where more of the storm's precipitation fell as rain, less avalanche danger exists. Even though the best window for natural avalanches has passed, human triggered avalanches remain likely today. Large, deep, and destructive avalanches could still occur today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-11
February 11, 2014 at 7:00

MODERATE avalanche danger exists on slopes 35 degrees and steeper on all aspects in near and above treeline terrain due to wind slabs, the formation of loose wet snow, and unlikely but not impossible deep persistent slabs. MODERATE avalanche danger also exists below treeline on slopes 35 degrees and steeper on the SE-S-SW-W aspects due to the formation of loose wet snow. Although they are becoming more difficult to trigger, large, deep, and destructive avalanches could still occur today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-12
February 12, 2014 at 7:00

MODERATE avalanche danger exists on slopes 35 degrees and steeper on all aspects in near and above treeline terrain due to new wind slabs, the formation of loose wet snow, and unlikely but not impossible deep persistent slabs. MODERATE avalanche danger also exists below treeline on slopes 35 degrees and steeper on the SE-S-SW-W aspects due to the formation of loose wet snow.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-13
February 13, 2014 at 6:44

Avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger near and above treeline on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects due to unstable wind slabs on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. In wind protected areas below treeline and in wind scoured areas near and above treeline, avalanche danger is LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-14
February 14, 2014 at 6:55

Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may exist near and above treeline on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects due to lingering unstable wind slabs on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. In wind protected areas below treeline and in wind scoured areas near and above treeline, avalanche danger is LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-15
February 15, 2014 at 6:42

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised. Insolated areas of instability may exist near and above treeline in complex or extreme terrain.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-16
February 16, 2014 at 7:00

Near and above treeline pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may exist on slopes 35 degrees and steeper on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects due to newly formed wind slabs. In wind protected areas below treeline and in wind scoured areas near and above treeline, avalanche danger remains LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-17
February 17, 2014 at 7:03

Near and above treeline pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger still exist on wind loaded slopes 35 degrees and steeper on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects due to lingering wind slabs. In wind protected areas below treeline and in wind scoured areas near and above treeline, avalanche danger remains LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-18
February 18, 2014 at 7:00

Near and above treeline pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger still exist on wind loaded slopes 35 degrees and steeper on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects due to lingering wind slabs. In wind protected areas below treeline and in wind scoured areas near and above treeline, avalanche danger remains LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-19
February 19, 2014 at 6:52

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Isolated areas of lingering unstable wind slab may remain above treeline on N-NE aspects in complex or extreme terrain. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-20
February 20, 2014 at 6:56

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Isolated areas of unstable wind slab may exist above treeline on N-NE aspects in complex or extreme terrain. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-21
February 21, 2014 at 6:44

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-22
February 22, 2014 at 6:48

The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations and on all aspects. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-23
February 23, 2014 at 6:53

The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations and on all aspects. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-24
February 24, 2014 at 7:00

The avalanche danger remains LOW at all elevations and on all aspects. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-25
February 25, 2014 at 6:56

Avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Continue to exercise normal caution while traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-26
February 26, 2014 at 6:59

During daylight hours, avalanche danger is expected to remain LOW for all elevations and aspects. As snowfall intensity increases tonight, a significant increase in avalanche danger will occur with natural avalanche activity possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-27
February 27, 2014 at 6:43

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on all aspects that held previous snow cover on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-02-28
February 28, 2014 at 7:00

CONSIDERABLE danger exists on slopes 35 degrees and steeper at all elevations on NW-N-NE aspects and on near and above treeline, wind loaded, W, E, and SE aspects. MODERATE avalanche danger exists in all other areas. Human triggered wind slab and storm slab avalanches are likely today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-01
March 1, 2014 at 7:00

MODERATE danger exists on slopes 35 degrees and steeper on wind loaded W-NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects in near and above treeline terrain. Some pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger may still lurk on those same aspects and elevations south of Hwy. 50 where more snow fell. Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may also remain on some slopes 35 degrees and steeper on NW-N-NE-E aspects in near and below terrain. Human triggered wind slab and storm slab avalanches remain possible today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-02
March 2, 2014 at 7:00

Pockets of MODERATE danger still exist on wind loaded slopes 35 degrees and steeper on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects in near and above treeline terrain. Human triggered wind slab avalanches remain possible in some areas on these slopes especially on unsupported slopes, slopes with steep rollovers, couliors, and in complex and/or extreme terrain. The largest wind slabs exist south of Hwy. 50 where more snow fell. Some small loose wet avalanche activity may also occur today if the sun breaks through the clouds or temperatures climb higher than forecasted.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-03
March 3, 2014 at 6:30

Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger remain near treeline and above treeline on NW-N-NE-E aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to lingering wind slabs. For all other areas, avalanche danger is LOW. Rain on snow may create isolated areas of loose wet avalanche activity, possible on any aspect on slopes 37 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-04
March 4, 2014 at 6:41

Avalanche danger is MODERATE for all elevations and aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to a mix of wind slabs, loose wet snow, and wet slabs.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-05
March 5, 2014 at 6:58

Avalanche danger remains MODERATE for all elevations and aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to a mix of loose wet snow and lingering wind slabs.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-06
March 6, 2014 at 7:00

MODERATE avalanche danger still exists at all elevations and on all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to a mix of loose wet snow and wind slabs.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-07
March 7, 2014 at 6:52

Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger will form on the sun exposed E-SE-S-SW-W aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper today. Daytime warming and strong March sunshine will allow conditions conducive for loose wet avalanches to form on those aspects.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-08
March 8, 2014 at 6:46

MODERATE avalanche danger will form on slopes steeper than 35 degrees on the sun exposed SE-S-SW aspects and pockets of MODERATE danger may form on the E and W aspects. Loose wet avalanches will become possible again today due to daytime warming and strong March sunshine.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-09
March 9, 2014 at 7:07

Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger linger today at all elevations on SE-S-SW aspects on slopes 37 degrees and steeper due to poor overnight refreeze of wet surface snow from yesterday. As rain up to 8,000'+ moves into the forecast area late today, additional areas of loose wet avalanche avalanche activity will become possible on all aspects.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-10
March 10, 2014 at 6:59

Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger are expected to form as the day progresses near and above treeline on N-NE-E aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to building wind slabs. Avalanche danger is LOW for all other elevations and aspects. Isolated areas of unstable loose wet snow are unlikely but not impossible today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-11
March 11, 2014 at 6:54

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Please keep in mind that LOW danger does not equal no danger. Isolated areas of small wind slab and small wet loose instability may be encountered today on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-12
March 12, 2014 at 7:00

The avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Remember areas of unstable snow may still exist on isolated terrain features during LOW danger. Small wind slabs may exist in extreme terrain. Loose wet snow instability will remain unlikely unless the temperatures climb higher than forecast and/or the cold east winds decrease.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-13
March 13, 2014 at 6:52

This morning the avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. As the day warms up loose wet snow instabilities will become possible and areas of MODERATE avalanche danger will form on the E-SE-S-SW-W aspects. The southerly aspects will be the most suspect.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-14
March 14, 2014 at 6:55

This morning the avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. As the day warms up loose wet snow instabilities will become possible and pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may form on the E-SE-S-SW-W aspects. The southerly aspects that receive the most sunshine will be the most suspect.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-15
March 15, 2014 at 6:53

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevation and aspects. Small isolated areas of loose wet instability will form today in response to daytime heating on slopes 37 degrees and steeper. These areas of instability are not expected to pose a significant hazard to backcountry travelers due to minimal size. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-16
March 16, 2014 at 6:47

In response to daytime warming, MODERATE avalanche danger will form today on E-SE-S-SW-W aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Human triggered loose wet avalanches will become possible. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-17
March 17, 2014 at 6:35

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-18
March 18, 2014 at 7:00

LOW avalanche danger exists at all elevations and on all aspects. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-19
March 19, 2014 at 7:00

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-20
March 20, 2014 at 7:00

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-21
March 21, 2014 at 6:54

Avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-22
March 22, 2014 at 6:44

Avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-23
March 23, 2014 at 6:37

Avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-24
March 24, 2014 at 6:54

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry. A winter storm expected to impact the region Tuesday night and Wednesday will cause the avalanche danger to increase as it delivers snow and wind to the area.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-25
March 25, 2014 at 7:00

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

A winter storm expected to impact the region starting tonight will cause the avalanche danger to increase tonight and tomorrow as new snow and wind affect the area.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-26
March 26, 2014 at 7:00

CONSIDERABLE danger exists on slopes 35 degrees and steeper on wind loaded NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects in near and above treeline terrain. MODERATE avalanche danger exists in all other areas. Human triggered wind slab avalanches are likely today and storm slab avalanches are possible.

After 2 weeks of stable melt-freeze conditions, today represents a day when natural and human triggered avalanches could occur. Don't let excitement over the return of winter and/or "powder fever" override good judgment and thoughtful and safe backcountry decision making.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-27
March 27, 2014 at 6:45

Avalanche danger is MODERATE on all aspects at all elevations on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to the presence of established wind slabs and the possibility of loose wet and storm slab avalanches.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-28
March 28, 2014 at 6:56

Avalanche danger remains MODERATE on all aspects at all elevations on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to the presence of established wind slabs and the possibility of loose wet avalanches. Avalanche danger will increase late tonight into tomorrow as the next storm system impacts the region.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-29
March 29, 2014 at 6:12

Avalanche danger will increase to CONSIDERABLE today and eventually to HIGH danger late this afternoon or evening near and above treeline on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. For all other areas avalanche danger is MODERATE on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-30
March 30, 2014 at 7:00

CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists on near and above treeline NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Human triggered avalanches are likely in these areas. For all other areas avalanche danger is MODERATE on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Wind slabs, storm slabs, and persistent slabs are all possible today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-03-31
March 31, 2014 at 7:00

MODERATE avalanche danger exists on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to lingering wind slabs and persistent slabs. Human triggered avalanches are possible in these areas. For all other areas avalanche danger is LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-01
April 1, 2014 at 7:11

MODERATE avalanche danger exists at all elevations on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to new and old wind slabs, persistent slabs, and storm slabs. Pockets of MODERATE danger exist in all other areas where small storm slabs may also exist. Human triggered avalanches are possible today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-02
April 2, 2014 at 6:58

Areas of MODERATE avalanche danger remain in recently wind loaded areas at all elevations on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to the presence of wind slabs and persistent slabs. For all other areas, avalanche danger is LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-03
April 3, 2014 at 6:53

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Isolated areas of wind slab and persistent slab instability may exist, especially in complex or extreme terrain. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-04
April 4, 2014 at 6:43

Avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Isolated areas of small unstable wind slabs may form today in wind loaded areas near and above treeline on N-NE-E aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-05
April 5, 2014 at 7:00

On slopes steeper than 35 degrees pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may form on the sun exposed E-SE-S-SW-W aspects due to daytime warming. Loose wet snow avalanches will be possible today. While larger slab avalanches remain unlikely, isolated slab avalanches triggered by the today's warming will not be impossible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-06
April 6, 2014 at 6:39

On slopes steeper than 35 degrees MODERATE avalanche danger may form on the sun exposed E-SE-S-SW-W aspects due to daytime warming. Loose wet snow avalanches will be possible today. Larger slab avalanches remain unlikely, but isolated slab avalanches triggered by the today's warming will not be impossible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-07
April 7, 2014 at 7:00

On E-SE-S-SW-W aspects steeper than 35 degrees MODERATE avalanche danger will form as the day warms up. Some pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may also form on NW-N-NE aspects that receive sunshine today.

Loose wet snow avalanches will be possible today. Larger wet slab avalanches remain unlikely, but isolated wet slab avalanches will not be impossible as the day warms up.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-08
April 8, 2014 at 6:47

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Avalanche danger will quickly increase to MODERATE danger by the late morning hours for all elevations and aspects in response to daytime warming. Small human triggered loose wet avalanches are expected today. Small naturally occurring loose wet avalanches are possible in isolated areas.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-09
April 9, 2014 at 6:47

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Avalanche danger will quickly increase to MODERATE danger by the mid morning hours for all elevations and aspects in response to daytime warming. Small human triggered loose wet avalanches are expected today. Isolated small natural loose wet avalanches are unlikely but not impossible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-10
April 10, 2014 at 6:49

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Avalanche danger will quickly increase to MODERATE danger by the late morning hours for all elevations and aspects in response to daytime warming. Small human triggered loose wet avalanches are expected today. Natural avalanche activity is unlikely but not impossible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-11
April 11, 2014 at 7:00

Avalanche danger will quickly rise to MODERATE at all elevations and on all aspects as the day warms up. Human triggered loose wet avalanches are expected today. Natural avalanche activity is unlikely but not impossible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-12
April 12, 2014 at 6:52

Avalanche danger will quickly rise to MODERATE at all elevations and on all aspects as the day warms up. Human triggered loose wet avalanches will remain possible today. Natural avalanche activity is unlikely but not impossible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-13
April 13, 2014 at 6:44

Some pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may form at all elevations and on all aspects as the day warms up. Due to cooler weather and northeast winds the wet snow instabilities that form today should remain smaller and less widespread than those that have formed on previous days. Still, small human triggered loose wet avalanches will remain possible today in some areas. Natural avalanche activity is unlikely but not impossible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-14
April 14, 2014 at 6:54

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. In response to daytime warming, pockets of MODERATE danger will form on all aspects at all elevations on slopes 37 degrees and steeper. Human triggered loose wet avalanches are possible. Natural avalanches are unlikely.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-15
April 15, 2014 at 6:33

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Areas of MODERATE danger will form quickly today on all aspects at all elevations on slopes 37 degrees and steeper. Human triggered loose wet avalanches are possible. Natural avalanches are unlikely.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-16
April 16, 2014 at 6:48

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Areas of MODERATE danger will form as the day progresses on all aspects at all elevations on slopes 37 degrees and steeper. Human triggered loose wet avalanches will become possible. Natural avalanches remain unlikely.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-17
April 17, 2014 at 6:36

Areas of MODERATE danger will form on all aspects at all elevations on slopes 37 degrees and steeper as daytime warming and sunshine melt through the thin overnight refreeze holding the snowpack together. Human triggered loose wet avalanches will become possible. Natural avalanches remain unlikely but not impossible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-18
April 18, 2014 at 7:00

Pockets of MODERATE danger will form on all aspects at all elevations on slopes 37 degrees and steeper as daytime warming and sunshine melt through the overnight refreeze that holds the snowpack together. Human triggered loose wet avalanches will become possible. Natural avalanches remain unlikely but not impossible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-19
April 19, 2014 at 6:47

MODERATE danger will form on all aspects at all elevations on slopes 37 degrees and steeper as daytime warming and sunshine melt through the overnight refreeze holding the snowpack together. Human triggered loose wet avalanches will become possible. Natural avalanches remain unlikely.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-20
April 20, 2014 at 6:35

In response to daytime warming, avalanche danger will quickly rise from to LOW danger early this morning to MODERATE danger later this morning for all elevations and aspects on slopes 37 degrees and steeper. Human triggered loose wet avalanches will become possible. Natural avalanches remain unlikely.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-04-21
April 21, 2014 at 6:34

We have stopped issuing daily avalanche advisories for the 2013-2014 season as our funding allotted for this season is now exhausted. Avalanche advisories will resume in the fall of 2014.

Avalanche activity can and most likely will continue to occur this spring as additional storm cycles impact the forecast area. Continue to monitor changing conditions and use caution when traveling in the backcountry. For general spring avalanche information please read the full spring avalanche statement.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-09-26
September 26, 2014 at 9:06

Starting to get excited about the upcoming winter? There is no better time to attend a fall SAC fundraiser. Fuel the excitement further with some free, high quality online avalanche education. There is something of interest for everyone, regardless of the degree of prior knowledge. See the advisory page for more details.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-10-31
October 31, 2014 at 8:28

General Fall Avalanche Statement

Daily avalanche advisories will resume in either November or December as conditions dictate. Until that time, occational updates to this page will occur as conditions warrant.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-11-13
November 13, 2014 at 7:41

Early season conditions update #1.

Daily avalanche advisories will resume in either November or December as conditions dictate. Until that time, occational updates to this page will occur as conditions warrant.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-11-20
November 20, 2014 at 7:56

Early season conditions update #2.

Daily avalanche advisories will resume in either November or December as conditions dictate. Until that time, occational updates to this page will occur as conditions warrant.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-11-30
November 30, 2014 at 19:53

Early season conditions update #3.

If the storms and snow accumulations forecasted for this week occur, the daily avalanche advisory will likely resume. For now and even after this weeks storms, expect early season conditions with lots of exposed rocks and a shallow weak snowpack that barely covers most obstacles. Keep checking this site for updates as the conditions change and the snow falls.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-03
December 3, 2014 at 6:55

Above 8,000', areas of CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exist both above and below treeline on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 32 degrees and steeper. For all other areas, avalanche danger is MODERATE on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Wind slabs and persistent slabs can be found in a variety of areas. Natural avalanches are possible, human triggered avalanches are possible to likely.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-04
December 4, 2014 at 7:25

Above 8000 ft. on slopes 32 degrees and steeper, human-triggered avalanches remain possible on NW-N-NE aspects in all terrain and on near and above treeline E-SE aspects. MODERATE avalanche danger exists in these areas due to wind slabs and possible persistent slabs. Higher elevation slopes with the most snow represent both the most dangerous places to go and the places where people want to recreate. Don't let early season excitement overrule good judgment and decision making.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-05
December 5, 2014 at 7:00

Above 9000 ft. on slopes 32 degrees and steeper, human-triggered avalanches remain possible on NW-N-NE aspects due to possible persistent slabs. Near and above treeline wind-loaded NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects above 8000 ft. steeper than 35 degrees may still hold human-triggerable wind slabs especially on unsupported slopes, couliors and gullies, and in complex and/or extreme terrain. The avalanche danger rating for these areas remains MODERATE.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-06
December 6, 2014 at 7:00

Above 9000 ft. in below, near, and above treeline terrain, human-triggered avalanches may remain possible on some NW-N-NE aspects due to persistent slabs on slopes 34 degrees and steeper. Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger exist in these areas. Higher elevation northerly facing slopes with the most snow represent the most likely places to find persistent slabs and the places where people want to recreate. Don't let early season excitement overrule good judgment and decision making.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-07
December 7, 2014 at 6:56

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Low likelihood high consequence large size persistent slab avalanches remain a lingering concern in isolated areas above 9,000' on NW-N-NE aspects both above and below treeline.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-08
December 8, 2014 at 6:59

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.


Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-09
December 9, 2014 at 6:30

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.


Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-10
December 10, 2014 at 6:51

The avalanche danger will remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Expect the avalanche danger to increase dramatically starting tomorrow as a strong winter storm arrives over the forecast area. Wind slab, storm slab, and deep persistent slab avalanches could all become problems during this storm.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-11
December 11, 2014 at 6:54

The avalanche danger will remain LOW until the precipitation starts to fall. Once the snow begins accumulating the avalanche danger will increase quickly and could reach HIGH on slopes steeper than 32 degrees during the night. Natural avalanches will become likely tonight and early tomorrow morning. Wind slab, storm slab, and deep persistent slab avalanches will all become problems during the next 24 hours. Travel in and around avalanche terrain is not recommended during the storm.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-12
December 12, 2014 at 7:00

Human-triggered avalanches are likely (CONSIDERABLE danger) on NW-N-NE aspects steeper than 32 degrees due to wind slabs (all elevations) and deep persistent slabs (above 9000 ft). In other wind loaded areas on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects human triggered avalanches will be possible (MODERATE danger) on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Strong winds may mean wind slabs formed at lower elevations and in atypical areas. In areas east of Lake Tahoe where less snow fell, less avalanche danger will exist. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-13
December 13, 2014 at 6:54

Near and above treeline, pockets of MODERATE danger exist along the Sierra Crest on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to lingering wind slabs. For all other areas, avalanche danger is LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-14
December 14, 2014 at 6:30

Near and above treeline, pockets of MODERATE danger continue to exist along the Sierra Crest on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to lingering wind slabs. For all other areas, avalanche danger is LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-15
December 15, 2014 at 6:48

Isolated pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may form today near and above treeline on NW-N-NE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. For all other areas, avalanche danger is LOW. Isolated areas of small and shallow wind slab instability are expected today in wind loaded areas.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2014-12-16
December 16, 2014 at 6:51

Human-triggered wind slab avalanches are possible (MODERATE avalanche danger) on wind-loaded NW-N-NE-E aspects 35 degrees and steeper in near and above treeline terrain. Due to shifting winds some isolated pockets of wind slabs may exist on SE aspects in near and above treeline terrain. Use clues like cornices, drifted snow, ripples in the snow surface, and other wind created textures to help determine where wind slabs may exist.
