Use this page to view archived advisories. The table below shows the overall danger rating and the bottom line for the 20 most recent advisories. Click on the time and date link above each danger rating icon to view the full advisory for that day. Use the date chooser or the pager at the bottom to scroll through the older advisories.

E.g., 08/31/2024
E.g., 08/31/2024
E.g., 08/31/2024
Date the forecast was published:sort descending Bottom Line
Click here to see the full forecast for 2010-12-26
December 26, 2010 at 7:58

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on N-NE-E aspects, 32 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, areas of MODERATE avalanche danger exist on all aspects, 32 degrees and steeper. Areas of CONSIDERABLE danger are only expected to exist near the Sierra Crest.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2010-12-27
December 27, 2010 at 7:43

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with isolated pockets of MODERATE danger lingering on N-NE-E-SE aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with isolated pockets of MODERATE danger lingering on N-NE-E aspects, 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2010-12-28
December 28, 2010 at 7:59

For most of today, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. During the afternoon and evening hours, pockets of MODERATE danger are expected to form near and above treeline on N-NE-E aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Avalanche danger will increase during the overnight hours with natural avalanches possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2010-12-28
December 28, 2010 at 8:00

For most of today, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. During the afternoon and evening hours, pockets of MODERATE danger are expected to form near and above treeline on N-NE-E aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Avalanche danger will increase during the overnight hours with natural avalanches possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2010-12-29
December 29, 2010 at 8:04

Near and above treeline, CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists on N-NE-E aspects with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on NW and SE aspects on slopes steeper than 35 degrees. Below treeline, pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger exist on N-NE-E aspects on slopes steeper than 35 degrees. On other aspects, MODERATE avalanche danger exists on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2010-12-30
December 30, 2010 at 8:01

Near and above treeline, MODERATE avalanche danger exists on all aspects with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes steeper than 35 degrees. Below treeline, MODERATE danger exists on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects with pockets of MODERATE danger on S-SW-W aspects on slopes steeper than 35 degrees.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2010-12-31
December 31, 2010 at 8:01

Near and above treeline, pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger exist on all aspects on slopes steeper than 37 degrees. Below treeline, LOW avalanche danger exists. LOW danger does not mean no danger. Unstable snow can still exist on isolated terrain features.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-01
January 1, 2011 at 7:55

Near and above treeline, areas of MODERATE danger will form this morning on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with isolated pockets of MODERATE danger forming on N-NE-E aspects, 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-02
January 2, 2011 at 7:53

Near and above treeline avalanche danger will rise to CONSIDERABLE today on W-NW-N-NE-E aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline MODERATE danger exists on all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. The areas of greatest avalanche danger today are expected to occur south of Highway 50.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-03
January 3, 2011 at 7:42

For areas south of Hwy 88, MODERATE avalanche danger exists near and above treeline on N-NE-E aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger on N-NE-E aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Isolated pockets of MODERATE danger may form today near and above treeline on SW-W-NW aspects 37 degrees and steeper.

For areas north of Hwy 88, avalanche danger early this morning is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Isolated pockets of MODERATE danger may form today near and above treeline on SW-W-NW aspects 37 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-04
January 4, 2011 at 8:00

LOW avalanche danger exists at all elevations and on all aspects today. LOW danger does not mean no danger. Even though dangerous avalanche activity should remain unlikely it is not impossible. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-05
January 5, 2011 at 7:55

LOW avalanche danger exists at all elevations and on all aspects today. LOW danger does not mean no danger. Even though dangerous avalanche activity should remain unlikely it is not impossible. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-06
January 6, 2011 at 8:00

On all aspects and at all elevations, the avalanche danger will remain LOW today. Even though dangerous avalanche activity should remain unlikely, it is not impossible. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-07
January 7, 2011 at 7:48

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-08
January 8, 2011 at 7:40

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-09
January 9, 2011 at 7:42

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-10
January 10, 2011 at 8:01

The avalanche danger will remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Continue to use normal caution when travelling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-11
January 11, 2011 at 8:00

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. If more snow falls than forecasted, the avalanche danger will increase. Continue to use normal caution when travelling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-12
January 12, 2011 at 8:01

Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger exist on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects near and above treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees. Below treeline the avalanche danger should remain LOW for all aspects.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-13
January 13, 2011 at 7:50

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised. If new snowfall exceeds expected forecast amounts, localized areas of increased avalanche danger may exist.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-14
January 14, 2011 at 7:52

Above 8,000' in near and above treeline areas, isolated pockets of MODERATE danger may exist on N-NE-E aspects, 37 degrees and steeper. For all other areas, avalanche danger is LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-15
January 15, 2011 at 7:30

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-16
January 16, 2011 at 8:00

Avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-17
January 17, 2011 at 8:00

This morning the avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger should form on the E-SE-S-SW-W aspects 35 degrees and steeper due to daytime warming. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-18
January 18, 2011 at 8:01

This morning the avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger should form on the E-SE-S-SW-W aspects 35 degrees and steeper by midday due to daytime warming.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-19
January 19, 2011 at 7:34

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-20
January 20, 2011 at 7:40

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-21
January 21, 2011 at 7:44

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-22
January 22, 2011 at 8:00

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-23
January 23, 2011 at 7:59

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-24
January 24, 2011 at 8:00

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects today. Continue to use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-25
January 25, 2011 at 7:57

Avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-26
January 26, 2011 at 7:40

Avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-27
January 27, 2011 at 7:56

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Pockets of MODERATE danger may form today on SE-S-SW aspects 35 degrees and steeper in response to daytime warming.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-28
January 28, 2011 at 8:01

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects for most of the day. Pockets of MODERATE danger may form this afternoon on SE-S-SW aspects 35 degrees and steeper in response to daytime warming.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-29
January 29, 2011 at 8:01

The avalanche danger should remain LOW for all elevations and aspects for most of the day. Use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-30
January 30, 2011 at 8:00

Near and above treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, MODERATE avalanche danger exists on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects with pockets of MODERATE danger on the S-SW-W aspects. Some pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger may form on the most wind-loaded N-NE-E aspects along the Sierra Crest. Below treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, pockets of MODERATE danger exist on all aspects.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-01-31
January 31, 2011 at 8:00

Near and above treeline, pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger exist on all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger on N-NE-E aspects 37 degrees and steeper. Human triggered avalanches remain possible today in a variety of areas. Use good travel habits to minimize risk.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-01
February 1, 2011 at 7:51

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger on SE-S-SW-W-NW-N aspects, 37 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-02
February 2, 2011 at 7:48

For most locations near and above treeline avalanche danger is LOW. Very isolated pockets of MODERATE danger may exist near and above treeline on SE-S-SW-W-NW aspects, 37 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-03
February 3, 2011 at 8:03

LOW avalanche danger exists on most aspects and elevations. Some very isolated pockets of MODERATE danger may remain on SE-S-SW-W-NW aspects, 37 degrees and steeper near and above treeline.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-04
February 4, 2011 at 8:00

LOW avalanche danger exists on most aspects and elevations. Some very isolated pockets of MODERATE danger may exist on NW-N-NE aspects, 37 degrees and steeper near treeline.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-05
February 5, 2011 at 7:53

LOW avalanche danger exists on all aspects and elevations. Use normal caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-06
February 6, 2011 at 7:46

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-07
February 7, 2011 at 7:32

Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-08
February 8, 2011 at 7:47


Avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.


Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-09
February 9, 2011 at 7:56

The avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Please use normal caution while traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-10
February 10, 2011 at 7:56

LOW avalanche danger exists on all elevations and aspects. Please use normal caution while traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-11
February 11, 2011 at 7:49

The avalanche danger should remain LOW on all elevations and aspects today. Please use normal caution while traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-12
February 12, 2011 at 7:37

Avalanche danger remains LOW on all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-13
February 13, 2011 at 8:01

Avalanche danger remains LOW on all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-14
February 14, 2011 at 7:41

Avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Normal caution is advised.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-15
February 15, 2011 at 7:51

In most areas the avalanche danger remains LOW. Some isolated pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may exist on the wind-loaded N-NE-E aspects near and above treeline 35 degrees and steeper. The avalanche danger will increase quickly and dramatically as a strong winter storm impacts the region this evening.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-16
February 16, 2011 at 8:00

Near and above treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists on the NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects. Below treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, MODERATE avalanche danger exists on all aspects with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on the NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-17
February 17, 2011 at 7:59

Near and above treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists on the NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects. Below treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, MODERATE avalanche danger exists on all aspects with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes steeper than 37 degrees.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-18
February 18, 2011 at 7:52

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is HIGH on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is CONSIDERABLE on all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-19
February 19, 2011 at 7:53

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on all aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Large destructive avalanches are possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-20
February 20, 2011 at 8:00

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on recently wind loaded NW-N-NE-E-SE-S aspects 35 degrees and steeper. Isolated pockets of MODERATE danger may exist on SW-W aspects as well. Below treeline avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger in open wind affected areas on all aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Large human triggered avalanches remain possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-22
February 22, 2011 at 7:56

Near and above treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, MODERATE avalanche danger remains on wind-loaded N-NE-E aspects with pockets MODERATE  danger on cross-loaded NW and SE aspects. Below treeline avalanche danger is LOW. Large human triggered avalanches remain possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-23
February 23, 2011 at 7:58

Near and above treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, MODERATE avalanche danger remains on wind-loaded N-NE-E aspects with pockets MODERATE  danger on cross-loaded NW and SE aspects. Below treeline avalanche danger is LOW. Large human triggered avalanches remain possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-24
February 24, 2011 at 7:47

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on N-NE-E aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Pockets of MODERATE danger exist on NW and SE aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger remains LOW for all elevations and aspects. Human triggered avalanches ranging from small to large in size are possible today. A significant increase in avalanche danger is expected to occur this evening, continuing overnight and through the day on Friday. Areas of CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger may form prior to sunset today in wind loaded areas with human triggered avalanches becoming likely and natural avalanches possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-25
February 25, 2011 at 7:53

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is HIGH on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects 32 degrees and steeper. Below treeline avalanche danger is CONSIDERABLE on all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Large destructive avalanches are likely today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-26
February 26, 2011 at 8:02

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on cross loaded NW, N, and SE aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on all aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Large human triggered avalanches remain possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-27
February 27, 2011 at 8:00

Near and above treeline, pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger will exist on all aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on SE-S-SW aspects with pockets of MODERATE danger on E and W aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Deep and destructive human triggered avalanches remain possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-02-28
February 28, 2011 at 8:00

Near and above treeline, pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger will exist on all aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on SE-S-SW aspects with pockets of MODERATE danger on E and W aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Deep and destructive human triggered avalanches remain possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-01
March 1, 2011 at 7:59

Near and above treeline, very isolated pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger exist on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects, 37 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may form on the most sun-exposed SE-S-SW aspects 35 degrees and steeper due to daytime warming.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-02
March 2, 2011 at 7:56

West of Hwy 89, avalanche danger near and above treeline is MODERATE with isolated pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger forming today on N-NE-E aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger on all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. East of Hwy 89 avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger forming today in wind loaded areas near and above treeline on N-NE-E aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-03
March 3, 2011 at 7:55

Near and above treeline avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on N-NE-E aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline avalanche danger is MODERATE on all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-04
March 4, 2011 at 7:41

Near and above treeline, areas of MODERATE danger will form today on SE-S-SW aspects on slopes 37 degrees and steeper in response to daytime warming. Pockets of MODERATE danger exist near and above treeline on NW-N-NE-E aspects 35 degrees and steeper due to lingering storm snow instabilities. Below treeline areas of MODERATE danger will form today on SE-S-SW aspects on slopes 37 degrees and steeper in response to daytime warming. Elsewhere, avalanche danger is LOW.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-05
March 5, 2011 at 8:00

Pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger may form today on SE-S-SW aspects on slopes 37 degrees and steeper in response to daytime warming at all elevations. On the more northerly aspects, LOW avalanche danger exists at all elevations. LOW danger does not mean that avalanche activity is impossible. Continue to use caution when traveling in the backcountry.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-06
March 6, 2011 at 8:00

Near and above treeline pockets of CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger may form today on N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. MODERATE danger exists on other near and above treeline aspects. Below treeline pockets of CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger will exist on any slopes steeper than 35 degrees that receive rain today. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-07
March 7, 2011 at 8:03

Near and above treeline pockets of CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exist on N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. MODERATE danger exists on other near and above treeline aspects. Below treeline pockets of MODERATE avalanche danger will exist on any slopes steeper than 35 degrees.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-08
March 8, 2011 at 7:55

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on E-SE-S-SW-W aspects 35 degrees and steeper. On NW-N-NE aspects below treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger on slopes 37 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-09
March 9, 2011 at 7:40

Both above and below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on E-SE-S-SW-W aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Avalanche danger on NW-N-NE aspects is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger both above and below treeline.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-10
March 10, 2011 at 7:33

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger on N-NE-E aspects on slopes 37 degrees and steeper. Elsewhere, avalanche danger is LOW. If snowfall amounts this afternoon exceed forecast expectations, avalanche danger will be greater and more widespread.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-11
March 11, 2011 at 8:00

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline LOW avalanche danger exists on all aspects. If more sunshine and daytime warming than forecasted occurs today, the avalanche danger will increase on sun-exposed aspects at all elevations.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-12
March 12, 2011 at 8:00

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 37 degrees and steeper. Below treeline LOW avalanche danger exists on all aspects.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-13
March 13, 2011 at 7:00

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with very isolated pockets of MODERATE danger on N-NE-E aspects on slopes 37 degrees and steeper. Below treeline LOW avalanche danger exists on all aspects. As more snow and wind impact the region tonight the avalanche danger will quickly increase.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-14
March 14, 2011 at 6:45

Near and above treeline avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on NE-E-SE-S aspects, on  slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-15
March 15, 2011 at 6:51

For all aspects and elevations, avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger forming this afternoon on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Continued increasing avalanche danger will occur tonight.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-16
March 16, 2011 at 6:53

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is CONSIDERABLE on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects, on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE in open areas, on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Large destructive avalanches are possible.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-17
March 17, 2011 at 7:00

Near and above treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees, MODERATE avalanche danger exists on N-NE-E aspects with pockets of MODERATE danger on all other aspects. Below treeline on open slopes steeper than 35 degrees, MODERATE danger exists on sun-exposed SE-S-SW aspects with pockets of MODERATE danger on other aspects. 

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-18
March 18, 2011 at 7:01

Near and above treeline by this afternoon, MODERATE avalanche danger will form on NW-N-NE-E aspects steeper than 35 degrees with pockets of MODERATE danger on the SE aspects. Below treeline the avalanche danger should remain LOW during the day today. As the winter storm impacts the forecast area, CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger will develop in areas at all elevations tonight. If the storm arrives sooner than expected, the areas of CONSIDERABLE danger will form sooner.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-19
March 19, 2011 at 7:02

Near and above treeline, CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger exists on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects steeper than 35 degrees. Below treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degress, pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger exist on those aspects. On the S-SW-W aspects, at all elevations the avalanche danger is MODERATE. Large, deep, and destructive avalanches could occur today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-20
March 20, 2011 at 7:00

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is HIGH on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects, 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is CONSIDERABLE in open areas on all aspects, 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-21
March 21, 2011 at 7:00

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE with isolated pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on  all aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Large destructive avalanches remain possible. Human triggered avalanches are expected today and should not be of surprise to backcountry travelers.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-22
March 22, 2011 at 6:52

Avalanche danger is MODERATE for all elevations and aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper today due to a combination of recent wind loading and warming instability. Small to medium size human triggered avalanches remain possible today in a variety of areas. Large human triggered avalanches remain possible in isolated areas. Increasing avalanche danger is expected tonight into Wednesday.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-23
March 23, 2011 at 7:00

Near and above treeline, CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger will form on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes steeper than 35 degrees today. Below treeline pockets of CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger will form on these aspects on slopes steeper than 35 degrees. On the S-SW-W aspects the avalanche danger is MODERATE on slopes steeper than 35 degrees.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-24
March 24, 2011 at 7:00

The avalanche danger will rise to HIGH on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes steeper than 35 degrees at all elevations today and tonight. On the S-SW-W aspects the avalanche danger will reach CONSIDERABLE on slopes steeper than 35 degrees. Large natural and human-triggered avalanche will become likely due to to strong winds and intense snowfall during the next 24 hours.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-25
March 25, 2011 at 7:00

Near and above treeline, the avalanche danger will remain HIGH on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes steeper than 35 degrees. Below treeline the avalanche danger is  CONSIDERABLE on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes steeper than 35 degrees. On the S-SW-W aspects the avalanche danger will remain CONSIDERABLE above treeline and MODERATE below treeline on slopes steeper than 35 degrees. Large natural and human-triggered avalanche will remain likely today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-26
March 26, 2011 at 6:50

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is CONSIDERABLE on NW-N-NE-E-SE-S aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger on NW-N-NE-E-SE-S aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. On the SW-W aspects avalanche danger is MODERATE both above and below treeline on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Large and destructive avalanches remain possible. The best window for natural avalanche activity will occur during the morning hours. Human triggered avalanches will remain possible to likely all day long.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-27
March 27, 2011 at 6:58

Near and above treeline, avalanche danger is MODERATE on NW-N-NE-E-SE aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. Below treeline, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger on all aspects in open areas on slopes 37 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-28
March 28, 2011 at 6:57

Avalanche danger is MODERATE both above and below treeline on E-SE-S aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. For all other areas avalanche danger is LOW. Please keep in mind that LOW danger does not mean no danger. There is a significant difference between the terms "unlikely" and "impossible".

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-29
March 29, 2011 at 6:45

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. As daytime warming occurs, areas of MODERATE danger will form on E-SE-S aspects at all elevations on slopes 37 degrees and steeper. For all other areas, avalanche danger will remain LOW. The greatest areas of instability today are expected to form in the southern portion of the forecast area.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-30
March 30, 2011 at 7:01

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. MODERATE danger quickly will form on E-SE-S aspects with pockets of MODERATE danger forming on SW-W aspects at all elevations on slopes 37 degrees and steeper due to daytime warming. Even though human-triggered and natural avalanches remain unlikely, large dangerous natural and human-triggered cornice collapses remain likely.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-03-31
March 31, 2011 at 7:00

This morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. MODERATE avalanche danger will quickly form on E-SE-S-SW-W aspects at all elevations on slopes 35 degrees and steeper due to daytime warming. Large dangerous natural and human-triggered cornice collapses also remain likely today.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-04-01
April 1, 2011 at 6:30

On E-SE-S aspects avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger forming today at all elevations on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. On SW-W aspects avalanche danger is MODERATE at all elevations on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. On NW-N-NE aspects, avalanche danger is LOW with pockets of MODERATE danger forming at all elevations on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-04-02
April 2, 2011 at 6:46

Avalanche danger is MODERATE with pockets of CONSIDERABLE danger below 8,000' on NE-E-SE-S aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper. For all other areas, avalanche danger is MODERATE at all elevations on slopes 35 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-04-03
April 3, 2011 at 6:20

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. Pockets of MODERATE danger will form in response to daytime warming on E-SE-S-SW-W aspects on slopes 37 degrees and steeper.

Click here to see the full forecast for 2011-04-04
April 4, 2011 at 7:00

Early this morning, avalanche danger is LOW for all elevations and aspects. MODERATE avalanche danger will form on E-SE-S-SW-W aspects on slopes 35 degrees and steeper as the day warms up.
